Backdrop LIVE is based upon an unconference model. Anyone can declare a topic up through the day of the event and the schedule is subject to change at any time. What would you like to talk about?

Block E - Slot 14

Slot 14: 9:00 am America/Los_Angeles - April 4, 2025

At Midcamp I did a presentation that did a detailed comparison of how Layout Builder in modern Drupal compares to the layout system in Backdrop CMS. From this I learned some interesting lessons that I hope can be applied to the Backdrop CMS layout system.  I'll use this session to briefly review the lessons I learned and share my proposals. Looking for a discussion about how to improve the Layout system in Backdrop, based upon what we can learn from Drupal Layout Builder.

I expect that participants in this discussion will gain a better understanding of how the Layout system in Backdrop CMS works in comparison to that in Modern Drupal and discuss ideas for how to make it better in Backdrop (and maybe also make it better in Drupal).

Specifically, I would like to discuss this proposal:

Links coming...

Intended Audience: 
  • All skill levels