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Block E - Slot 14

Slot 14: 9:00 am America/Los_Angeles - April 4, 2025

I plan to show examples of some useful hooks and preprocess functions that allow developers to interact with, extend or modify Backdrop programmatically, through small custom modules or within the theme's template.php, with minimal knowledge of PHP. Some of these include:

  • Form alter hooks
  • Node insert, update and delete hooks
  • Widget form alter hooks
  • Node view hooks (and renderable arrays)
  • Template preprocess functions for entities and views, and theme hook suggestions for nodes
  • Action hooks 
  • Block hooks
  • ...

If you'd like to collaborate with me in this presentation, let me know!  (I'll add resources later)

Intended Audience: 
  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Developers (yes code)
  • Front-End Developers (themes + layouts)
  • Back-End Developers (modules + more)
  • Technical (even if no code)


Slot 14 has "Email Best Practices" and "Extending Backdrop under the hood: hooks, preprocess functions and more."  I think they would both be really helpful for many sites.  It would be nice if they could be on different slots or either or both recorded.

Sorry, put actual links in comment and editing the comment didn't remove them.  Here is the intended comment:

Slot 14 has "Email Best Practices" and "Extending Backdrop under the hood: hooks, preprocess functions and more."  I think they would both be really helpful for many sites.  It would be nice if they could be on different slots or either or both recorded.

Sorry, put actual links in comment and editing the previous comment and editing the comment didn't remove them.  Here is the intended comment:

Slot 14 has "Email Best Practices" and "Extending Backdrop under the hood: hooks, preprocess functions and more."  I think they would both be really helpful for many sites.  It would be nice if they could be on different slots or either or both recorded.