Backdrop LIVE is based upon an unconference model. Anyone can declare a topic up through the day of the event and the schedule is subject to change at any time. What would you like to talk about?

Block B - Slot 5

Slot 5: 3:00 pm America/Los_Angeles - April 3, 2025
  •  Introduce D7 Soft Landing initiative
  •  Explain why D7 EOL is a Big Deal (Chromatichq Podcast)
  •  Discuss decision tree for getting off D7 (Blog Post)
  • Present tools and flows for One-click /Simple/Easy migrations off D7  
  •  Talk about learning curves
  •  Plan to sharpen migration tools
Intended Audience: 
  • All skill levels
  • Experienced
  • Website Architects (no code)
  • Technical (even if no code)


If I can't make it I hope to watch the recording, so my request: if possible since this is in block B, can it be recorded?