Documentation - how to make it easier to find?

We recently had our first regular Documentation meeting and one of the main areas of focus was looking at how people find the information they are looking for on our documentation site.  We started to talk about how we could improve the home page and create "pathways" for people to easily find what they need based on what they are doing.

What would help you find the documentation you need?

What gaps are there in the documentation and who can write the content to fill the gaps? 

Backdrop for Beginners - Views (dynamic lists of your content)

The views module is a powerful tool that allows site administrators to create complicated and dynamic displays of their content without writing any code or knowledge of database queries. 

  • Create a basic view
  • Filter your data with views
  • Sort your data with views
  • Rewriting your data in views
  • What happens if there is no data in your view (no results)
  • Contextual Filters
  • Relationships
  • Views header and footer
  • View pagers

A Nonprofit Case Study - D7 Upgrade to Backdrop CMS with Paragraphs

The Friends of the Mississippi have been using Drupal for a long time and have accumulated 1000's of pieces of content (nodes). Their website is an important tool in their daily efforts to engage with the community to protect, restore and enhance the Mississippi River and its watershed in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) region. 

Backdrop Successes and Frustrations: A nonprofit's journey

How one nonprofit landed on Backdrop after several false starts (including a few with Backdrop), from specifications to launch. This session is for anyone who is still debating whether to use Drupal, Backdrop, or some other CMS, or for those new to Backdrop who want to know more about how to avoid the mistakes and frustrations we made getting to launch.
