Backdrop for Beginners - Views (dynamic lists of your content)

The views module is a powerful tool that allows site administrators to create complicated and dynamic displays of their content without writing any code or knowledge of database queries. 

  • Create a basic view
  • Filter your data with views
  • Sort your data with views
  • Rewriting your data in views
  • What happens if there is no data in your view (no results)
  • Contextual Filters
  • Relationships
  • Views header and footer
  • View pagers

Image Optimizations in Backdrop: Responsive Images

My colleague Philip Stier has been working on a series of webinars about image optimizations in Drupal, and I thought it would be nice to do a quick overview of some of the parallel ways to optimize images in Backdrop. Some of the techniques are identical, and I'll mention a few others as well.

Maintaining optimized images is important for your site's accessibility and usability on different screen sizes and devices.

Decoupled Blocks with Drupal, Backdrop, and React

Over the last few months I decided to start building some of the decoupled blocks that I've been hearing about at Drupal events.  After getting the Drupal version working I wondered about how I would put the same block into a Backdrop site.  So I changed the module to be a Backdrop module instead of a Drupal module.

After that project I had a Backdrop site that had information I wanted to share inside a Drupal site.  I reversed the process, making a decoupled Backdrop block first and then changing the module to be a Drupal module.

SEO and Backdrop/Drupal

Let's have a discussion about SEO.  I've tried to make use of my librarian training in the past to game search results.  I'll offer some of my experiences with search console, analytics and data studio.  All Google products.

When I worked for the library we had a language learning database that we called Free Rosetta Stone but people couldn't find it.  So I went to work on the node for it. 

Decoupled Blocks with Drupal, Backdrop, and React

Over the last few months I decided to start building some of the decoupled blocks that I've been hearing about at Drupal events.  After getting the Drupal version working I wondered about how I would put the same block into a Backdrop site.  So I changed the module to be a Backdrop module instead of a Drupal module.

After that project I had a Backdrop site that had information I wanted to share inside a Drupal site.  I reversed the process, making a decoupled Backdrop block first and then changing the module to be a Drupal module.

Backdrop for Beginners - Views (dynamic lists of your content)

The views module is a powerful tool that allows site administrators to create complicated and dynamic displays of their content without writing any code or knowledge of database queries. 

  • Create a basic view
  • Filter your data with views
  • Sort your data with views
  • Rewriting your data in views
  • What happens if there is no data in your view (no results)
  • Contextual Filters
  • Relationships
  • Views header and footer
  • View pagers

The Future of Paragraphs

Join this conversation about the future of Paragraphs for Backdrop. This session will include a short demo of the current state of functionality in the Paragraphs module, as well as a sneak-peak at some functionality that is in development but hasn't been shared publicly yet. Following that, a time of conversation will help provide questions, input, feedback and hopes about what is to come.

Collaborating on larger Contrib projects

What is the best way for us to collaborate on larger Contrib projects?

  • Is GitHub adequate
  • Use the GitHub Discussions feature
  • Use a Project management system
  • Use the same system as the Devs for Core
  • Something else

Leaving a large contributed module to one or two developers has many pitfalls, so I would like to facilitate a discussion on how best to collaborate when larger projects become popular... one module that springs to mind is Ubercart with 124 active installs.
